Instead of actually saying hello to you I'm going to share the first thought I had upon(for whatever reason I like this word.... Upon doesn't it sound cool that it is actually a word? No it's probably only me) opening this document.
The first thought that came to my mind was the thought of whether I should greet you or not? Now isn't that a funny and rude first question to ask?
But that question's answer I regrettably do not have yet, since there hasn't been a lot of people to greet. But do not fret, if I come up with a somewhat catchy phrase that I could potentially use in beginning of every blog you will be the first to know(depending on how often you read this blog)
As in my last blog, this blog does suffer from not really having any real topic, just scattered thoughts.
However I promised you a definition of a good day, didn't I?
Okay lets get to it, my definition of a good day was something I thought of right before writing this blog.
Now in my opinion there are two important factors that makes a great day. What you should get done and what is fun.
These two can quite often go hand in hand, but not necessarily always(oh really?!) but you shouldn't misunderstand me. What I mean with things that you should get done I mean things that you yourself really want to get done and not some idiotic homework that has been annoying you for ages. I mean stuff that you almost everyday do, and you want to get done before the end of that day for it to be a good day.
For me those things could be, for instance working out, go outside for a walk, be on skype to talk with friends and a few other things. However in those amazing days where everything is just close to perfect only few of these things has to be in of them.
The things however that are fun could be close to anything that is indeed fun. For me that might be spending time with friends, go to the cinema, visit relatives, playing games (with friends) etc.
Now these things might not happen every day, which consequently makes the days when I do them so much better. Because the mundane funny things you do each ordinary day might just not be enough to make that kickass day, although they might make a decent one.
So to sum it up I think you'll have to combine these two things, the everyday stuff and the rare occasional stuff to get a great day, but that is of course only my humble opinion. If you would have another recipe for a great day, feel free to comment on this blog to let me know.
I was thinking of maybe telling you a few moderately interesting things that happened to me today but since I'm both tired and feeling sort of sickish I will keep it short. I'll just tell you that I had an English test today that was one of the hardest tests I ever have had in previously mentioned subject. I felt like the teacher made the test as hard as he could manage without everyone failing it. Still since I'm fairly good at English I manged to do somewhat well at least, but if I'll see anything above 8½ on my test I will be most pleasantly surprised.
Other than that not much happened, one of my friends stayed late and we had a very thoughtful discussion and after that I was todays family chef and cooked spaghetti(of course there was sauce to) for me, my slightly disturbed brother and my dad. It took surprisingly a lot of time and after that the only things I have done is to take a walk and have a long and heavy workout(heavy since I was a little sick still and that didn't make things easy) and writing this blog while speaking to friends on skype.... Thats my day so far, and its almost over since its getting late.....really late(Surely you see what I'm getting at now)
You guessed right! This blog will end without any warning in 5....
Stay safe and don't be up so late, bye for now!
Supersecret PS.
I won't spell or grammar check this blog thoroughly to night because its really getting kinda late and I'm just not feeling up to it. I might do it tomorrow or one day but I can not guarantee that any of my blogs will have flawless grammar since I'm just to lazy for anything proper in that area so if you can't live with that..... leave this blog, I do not wish to be the cause of your death.
Ponder upon, wish upon... I really love that word as well. You might've noticed that I use it quite a lot.
SvaraRaderaAnyway, those were some interesting thoughts! I kind of agree with the simple definition. I myself feel that it is also a good day if you've accomplished something special; you've succeeded in doing something you've wanted to do, or possibly made something productive.