Today I had an interesting thought during one of our Psychology lessons, or well the thought was actually thought way after the lesson but the film that will be the topic of this hopefully short blog was watched during that lesson.
The movie we watched was none other than the infamous High School Musical 2...
Now I know what you are thinking, probably something in the line of "Seriously, a blog because of HSM 2?"
Yes, yes I know, It's not the most appreciated movie out there, but it got me thinking of something I just had to share on this blog.
While watching the movie I realized two things, one: the movie was not very good, but given its storyline, it could not have been better. Now don't get me wrong, I did not like this movie, but I'll admit that it was nothing close to poorly made. The acting was solid, the soundtrack was what you could expect of this kind of movie, and no story plot holes to be found. Which means that it could not have been better.
The problem though that this is not my type of movie at all, I don't like the concept or the story. But I can not blame it on the director or the writers or anyone really. The movie just didn't have any chance to impress me, and here comes the point.
Because I didn't except anything from the movie, I wasn't very upset when I gave the movie a 6/10 on Imdb, since it never had any chance, but because it was well put together it still got a decent score for a movie of its genre.
But movies that we expect great things of that aren't well put together can really make us hate a movie, even more than it deserves. There are several examples, but take Iron Man 2 for instance.
The first movie was really good and when I went to the cinemas to watch Iron Man 2 I expected at least a decent movie, but I got no such thing. A movie with a sketchy plot and nothing like the original. It was a disappointment which is why I don't want anything to do with that movie anymore, and there is a lot of movies like this one. Movies that you thought was a sure to be at the very least decent, turned out to be a poorly put together sequel which wasn't even needed.
In most cases you will dislike these movies even more than movies you never thought you were going to like in the first place.
So to sum up my fleeting thoughts in just one question, which is worse? Disappointments or movies like High School Musical 2, that never had a chance but could at least be a little better than you first thought?
I'm not sure if this blog made any sense to anyone, but I'm to tired and have to much to do to care right now.
However I might check in later to have a look at the grammar and the content of this blog, but unless there is nothing else of great importance I have to tell you I'll take my leave now....
Note to self: You are not so tired that you will actually include a High School Musical poster in this blog, people might take it the wrong way.
Who knows? There might be something interesting lurking in here, you'll never know unless you venture into the dark depths of this hidden, supersecret blog.....there might be a cookie or two waiting for down here.... not sure if they're not slimy though...
torsdag 21 mars 2013
måndag 18 mars 2013
The First Movie Blog Mars
Like the title says this is the first attempt at making a movie blog so far in my life.
Obviously I have no idea what so ever on how to write this most difficult blog, but like all great things you'll have to start somewhere. Or at least that is how I do my tests and they end up pretty well every now and then, so I guess I'll try the same method here.
But first a few important things you need to now about this attempt before reading any further.
1:This is not a serious MOVIE blog, its just a attempt and might not be a good one at that. However I'll still do my very best to present to you the most refined not-serious movie blog that I possibly can at this late hour.
2:This is just my opinion and the recommendations I give can easily be ignored, if not appreciated. So no hate or anything like that, keep it civil folks! But I'll gladly read your interesting comment if given one, and I won't dismiss it simply because I do not agree either.
3.I shouldn't talk this much about stuff that don't really matter so lets get one with it, now that you know its not going to be perfect.
With all the formalities well behind us, lets start the impressive list of movies that were watched by yours truly over the weekend. (And one bonus movie that I watched this beautiful Monday)
So I'll keep it simple and present the list of movies, as well as a neat little link to Imdb where you yourself can read about the movies all you want, if interested.(This is to save time, no fancy self-made description here.)
1: The Bourne Supremacy Link: The Bourne Supremacy
2. A Clockwork Orange Link: Clockwork Orange
3: Tucker & Dale vs Evil Link: Tucker & Dale vs Evil
4: Les Miserables Link: Les Miserables
5: The Bourne Ultimatum Link: The Bourne Ultimatum
(6):The Prince Of Egypt Link: The Prince Of Egypt
Now as you can see there are six movies above this text, and I can mention that they are in the order I saw them,(The Bourne Supremacy first and The Prince Of Egypt last) and if I'll ever do more of these movie blogs, I'll most likely keep this format.(5 movies in every blog, possibly a bonus every now and then)
But on to the movies shall we?
The First movie or The Bourne Supremacy actually came as shock to me, because I had already seen the first one months and months ago and then I didn't like the first movie much. So when the credits began rolling down the screen and I thought to myself that this might very well be the best movie with the super agent type of theme I have ever seen I was a little suprised. Most bond movies are good but most of them also fall short when compeered to this trilogy it seams, or at least that is how I see it. The movie has a solid story, impressive car chases(although it might be hard to understand what is happening during them sometimes because of a camera that seams to enjoy jumping from angel to angel.), good actors and an interesting way of following the main protagonist through the adrenaline pumping story.Strongly recommended for action fans, and recommended for everyone else as well.
A clockwork Orange was one of two films that I watched with a few friends while celebrating one of said friends turning eighteen.
The movie was in all truth only alright. I expected more from it, being such a classic and all, or that was the impression of it I had anyway. It had an interesting concept and the actors were superb, but it just wasn't anything to special about it in my opinion. Good but not great.
Tucker & Dale vs Evil was yet another positive surprise that wonderful weekend. At first I thought it would not be much to look at, but you should never judge a book by its cover I guess.
What I though might be a boring semi-horror, gory teenage film turned out to be a hilarious black comedy and almost a parody of the genre I previously mentioned. It was the perfect movie for a movie night with friends. Highly recommended to anyone with a good sense of humor but maybe not to the type of person that pukes at the sight of a little blood(a lot of it actually)
Les Miserables was also, like the rest a positive surprise that weekend, specifically on Sunday when I saw it on the big screen with mom and my no less disturbed brother.
Since they sang throughout the entire movie there were a few parts were my interest dwindled for a moment, because let it be known that I'm no fan of musicals. However the story of this movie was captivating enough to keep my interest even though they sang so much, but not only was the story great, the actors were in a class of they're own. With names like Russel Crowe and Hugh Jackman they had an impressive cast, but that they could sing so well, who would have thought? So whether you are a fan of musicals or not, you might like this movie, with just a little bit of an open mind.
Now finally we are at the last one The Bourne Ultimatum, and I say again, even though I had some high expectations on this movie, it suprised me like the all the others, and yes in a positive way.
It was in my opinion a lot better than the second installment to the series, and that movie was not bad at all.
I think they took everything good from the previous movie and made it a lot better, without changing the formula. It had even better actors, better story, better action scenes( I could go on) and one of the things that sealed the deal was Bourne himself when he twice completely owned his enemies with some quick thinking, that were believable and hilarious at the same time. It was a fine completion of the original trilogy and is recommended to one and all, except haters of the action genre.
The Prince of Egypt(Bonus)
This one is a bit of a extra since I just watched it a hour before writing this blog and as six doesn't sound as organized as 5 this one will be a bonus.
I bought this movie mainly for one of the songs in it that really sticked with me even though it was a long time since I last watched it. But not only that was good about it, even though I really enjoy the soundtrack of this movie because of fond childhood memories, the movie itself was captivating and though based on the bible not entirely predictable. I'm unsure whether a person who never saw this movie during they're childhood would like this one or not, because there is just to much nostalgia involved for me to make an educated guess if anybody else would like it or not, at least as much as I do. I say watch it if given the opportunity, and then decide for yourself if it was good or not, but to me it will remain an classic, and a good one at that.
And that were all the movies that I watched last weekend and the first movie blog will end here with just a list of what grade I would give the movies on a scale from one too ten and the promise that I will at least consider making another movie blog at some point. But until then I will leave you with a couple of questions, did you enjoy reading this blog, was it better/worse than the previous ones, and most importantly, would you like to see more of them? Answer in any way you can, jungle drums can be used but I'm a little rusty at understanding them so comments will hopefully be the preferred option.
Until next time......
List(scale 4-10, 10=perfect, 4=Horrible piece of pig shit)
1: The Bourne Supremacy 8
2. A Clockwork Orange 8
3: Tucker & Dale vs Evil 8
4: Les Miserables 8
5: The Bourne Ultimatum 9
(6):The Prince Of Egypt 8
fredag 15 mars 2013
What Defines A Good Day?
Instead of actually saying hello to you I'm going to share the first thought I had upon(for whatever reason I like this word.... Upon doesn't it sound cool that it is actually a word? No it's probably only me) opening this document.
The first thought that came to my mind was the thought of whether I should greet you or not? Now isn't that a funny and rude first question to ask?
But that question's answer I regrettably do not have yet, since there hasn't been a lot of people to greet. But do not fret, if I come up with a somewhat catchy phrase that I could potentially use in beginning of every blog you will be the first to know(depending on how often you read this blog)
As in my last blog, this blog does suffer from not really having any real topic, just scattered thoughts.
However I promised you a definition of a good day, didn't I?
Okay lets get to it, my definition of a good day was something I thought of right before writing this blog.
Now in my opinion there are two important factors that makes a great day. What you should get done and what is fun.
These two can quite often go hand in hand, but not necessarily always(oh really?!) but you shouldn't misunderstand me. What I mean with things that you should get done I mean things that you yourself really want to get done and not some idiotic homework that has been annoying you for ages. I mean stuff that you almost everyday do, and you want to get done before the end of that day for it to be a good day.
For me those things could be, for instance working out, go outside for a walk, be on skype to talk with friends and a few other things. However in those amazing days where everything is just close to perfect only few of these things has to be in of them.
The things however that are fun could be close to anything that is indeed fun. For me that might be spending time with friends, go to the cinema, visit relatives, playing games (with friends) etc.
Now these things might not happen every day, which consequently makes the days when I do them so much better. Because the mundane funny things you do each ordinary day might just not be enough to make that kickass day, although they might make a decent one.
So to sum it up I think you'll have to combine these two things, the everyday stuff and the rare occasional stuff to get a great day, but that is of course only my humble opinion. If you would have another recipe for a great day, feel free to comment on this blog to let me know.
I was thinking of maybe telling you a few moderately interesting things that happened to me today but since I'm both tired and feeling sort of sickish I will keep it short. I'll just tell you that I had an English test today that was one of the hardest tests I ever have had in previously mentioned subject. I felt like the teacher made the test as hard as he could manage without everyone failing it. Still since I'm fairly good at English I manged to do somewhat well at least, but if I'll see anything above 8½ on my test I will be most pleasantly surprised.
Other than that not much happened, one of my friends stayed late and we had a very thoughtful discussion and after that I was todays family chef and cooked spaghetti(of course there was sauce to) for me, my slightly disturbed brother and my dad. It took surprisingly a lot of time and after that the only things I have done is to take a walk and have a long and heavy workout(heavy since I was a little sick still and that didn't make things easy) and writing this blog while speaking to friends on skype.... Thats my day so far, and its almost over since its getting late.....really late(Surely you see what I'm getting at now)
You guessed right! This blog will end without any warning in 5....
Stay safe and don't be up so late, bye for now!
Supersecret PS.
I won't spell or grammar check this blog thoroughly to night because its really getting kinda late and I'm just not feeling up to it. I might do it tomorrow or one day but I can not guarantee that any of my blogs will have flawless grammar since I'm just to lazy for anything proper in that area so if you can't live with that..... leave this blog, I do not wish to be the cause of your death.
The first thought that came to my mind was the thought of whether I should greet you or not? Now isn't that a funny and rude first question to ask?
But that question's answer I regrettably do not have yet, since there hasn't been a lot of people to greet. But do not fret, if I come up with a somewhat catchy phrase that I could potentially use in beginning of every blog you will be the first to know(depending on how often you read this blog)
As in my last blog, this blog does suffer from not really having any real topic, just scattered thoughts.
However I promised you a definition of a good day, didn't I?
Okay lets get to it, my definition of a good day was something I thought of right before writing this blog.
Now in my opinion there are two important factors that makes a great day. What you should get done and what is fun.
These two can quite often go hand in hand, but not necessarily always(oh really?!) but you shouldn't misunderstand me. What I mean with things that you should get done I mean things that you yourself really want to get done and not some idiotic homework that has been annoying you for ages. I mean stuff that you almost everyday do, and you want to get done before the end of that day for it to be a good day.
For me those things could be, for instance working out, go outside for a walk, be on skype to talk with friends and a few other things. However in those amazing days where everything is just close to perfect only few of these things has to be in of them.
The things however that are fun could be close to anything that is indeed fun. For me that might be spending time with friends, go to the cinema, visit relatives, playing games (with friends) etc.
Now these things might not happen every day, which consequently makes the days when I do them so much better. Because the mundane funny things you do each ordinary day might just not be enough to make that kickass day, although they might make a decent one.
So to sum it up I think you'll have to combine these two things, the everyday stuff and the rare occasional stuff to get a great day, but that is of course only my humble opinion. If you would have another recipe for a great day, feel free to comment on this blog to let me know.
I was thinking of maybe telling you a few moderately interesting things that happened to me today but since I'm both tired and feeling sort of sickish I will keep it short. I'll just tell you that I had an English test today that was one of the hardest tests I ever have had in previously mentioned subject. I felt like the teacher made the test as hard as he could manage without everyone failing it. Still since I'm fairly good at English I manged to do somewhat well at least, but if I'll see anything above 8½ on my test I will be most pleasantly surprised.
Other than that not much happened, one of my friends stayed late and we had a very thoughtful discussion and after that I was todays family chef and cooked spaghetti(of course there was sauce to) for me, my slightly disturbed brother and my dad. It took surprisingly a lot of time and after that the only things I have done is to take a walk and have a long and heavy workout(heavy since I was a little sick still and that didn't make things easy) and writing this blog while speaking to friends on skype.... Thats my day so far, and its almost over since its getting late.....really late(Surely you see what I'm getting at now)
You guessed right! This blog will end without any warning in 5....
Stay safe and don't be up so late, bye for now!
Supersecret PS.
I won't spell or grammar check this blog thoroughly to night because its really getting kinda late and I'm just not feeling up to it. I might do it tomorrow or one day but I can not guarantee that any of my blogs will have flawless grammar since I'm just to lazy for anything proper in that area so if you can't live with that..... leave this blog, I do not wish to be the cause of your death.
tisdag 12 mars 2013
So It Begins....
Now I did not intend this to happen, it is actually all just a series of rather unfortunate events that has left me on this particular site. However I'll not go into detail on what these events actually were in this blog, since its my first and all.
Now I could go on and on and probably even further on about myself and tell a sorts of utterly uninteresting things about myself, but the word uninteresting suggest that I probably should not.
Hence why I will keep this blog short and "sweet" by just telling you a few important things that you have to know while reading this blog of mine.
First, I'm from a cold little place called Finland, Vasa to more precise so in other words I'm not from a English speaking country, and since I'm not a fan of grammar, there will be a lot of grammatical errors in this blog. I'm warning you right know, so don't tell me I didn't because I'm really lazy when it comes to writing in English, so no fancy talk here, no?(No is the right answer to the question)
Second I was inspired by three people and they eventually, by their own blogs convinced me to make my own. Therefore I strongly suggest you check to of them out, but I will not link the third own for secret reasons.
There, now they got their fair share of the glory that might come out of this blog.(or most likely not)
Finally, or for those who get confused without it, thirdly, I'd like to point out right now that I have no idea what to do with this blog. Like I said it wasn't planned or anything, but other things more or less forced me to start it.
I know that this blog is mainly for me, but if there is anyone else interested in reading it they are most welcome to do so. However for now I haven't decided what exactly I'll post on here, but hopefully it will sparkle with creativity and happiness in a blissful combination.....(I have no idea why I said that cause its obviously not going to happen*facepalm*)
So while I decide what to do with this blog all of you lovely people will stay alive and well(Yes that is an order, disobey and it won't end well for you.....)
But for now I bid you all my most fondest farewells(for now perhaps)
Now I could go on and on and probably even further on about myself and tell a sorts of utterly uninteresting things about myself, but the word uninteresting suggest that I probably should not.
Hence why I will keep this blog short and "sweet" by just telling you a few important things that you have to know while reading this blog of mine.
First, I'm from a cold little place called Finland, Vasa to more precise so in other words I'm not from a English speaking country, and since I'm not a fan of grammar, there will be a lot of grammatical errors in this blog. I'm warning you right know, so don't tell me I didn't because I'm really lazy when it comes to writing in English, so no fancy talk here, no?(No is the right answer to the question)
Second I was inspired by three people and they eventually, by their own blogs convinced me to make my own. Therefore I strongly suggest you check to of them out, but I will not link the third own for secret reasons.
There, now they got their fair share of the glory that might come out of this blog.(or most likely not)
Finally, or for those who get confused without it, thirdly, I'd like to point out right now that I have no idea what to do with this blog. Like I said it wasn't planned or anything, but other things more or less forced me to start it.
I know that this blog is mainly for me, but if there is anyone else interested in reading it they are most welcome to do so. However for now I haven't decided what exactly I'll post on here, but hopefully it will sparkle with creativity and happiness in a blissful combination.....(I have no idea why I said that cause its obviously not going to happen*facepalm*)
So while I decide what to do with this blog all of you lovely people will stay alive and well(Yes that is an order, disobey and it won't end well for you.....)
But for now I bid you all my most fondest farewells(for now perhaps)
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